Leaving not only a mark in the years, but also a legacy, what is often called “legacy”, is among the priorities of great players.
But that’s not the case for Kevin Durant, who, as he declared in an interview with The Athletic, changed his perspective only in recent years.
I don’t care. Once, yes, I wanted to draw a line for myself that people could remember, but it became too much. It’s something people focus on too much. When there wasn’t all this debate, I was interested in being in the same category as the greatest of all time
Kevin Durant
This perspective changed in 2016, following the numerous criticisms that Kevin Durant received after signing with the Golden State Warriors in the off-season. Especially after winning two consecutive titles (2017, 2018), Durant’s reputation worsened, “blamed” for leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder to join the opponents’ project at the WCF.
People don’t think logically or about what I’ve done. They always have to create a narrative to discredit me. When I went to the Golden State Warriors, it was fun to discredit me
Kevin Durant
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Author: Team Dunkest
March 31, 2023 | 11:01 am