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Eagles rookies discuss what constitutes a successful first season, give picks for top rookie in 2024

PHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia Eagles rookie class is set to embark on a lifelong dream of playing in the NFL. Part of the journey of their first season will be going through some highs and lows — as is the case with all rookie players — making that rookie campaign impactful.Β 

The Eagles have seven rookies on the active roster, two on injured reserve, and six on the practice squad. CBS Sports interviewed all of the draft picks that are on the active roster and a few members on the practice squad, asking each of them the same questions.

  • What constitutes a good rookie season for you?
  • Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?
  • What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“Confidence. Something is gonna happen, so keep your confidence going. Keep working hard.”Β 

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“Everybody. Everybody.”Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“For me, I don’t worry about the stats or anything like that. A good rookie season for me would be doing everything I can to help my team win. I want to give it 110% every single game and making the most of every opportunity.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“We got a lot of guys in our rookie class. I can’t even put a name to it. You know, every single guy the Eagles brought in as rookies — they can help out the team. All of us have a great mindset. We all want to do what we can to help the team.”

What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

“We have a lot of guys that are all ballers. It’s hard to pinpoint what really helps us stand out. We just got guys that have a wide variety of game. We got a lot of guys here that carry themselves like veterans.”

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“Shoot, if I help the team win what we’re trying to win? I’ll be happy with that. Just submitting myself as an important part of the team and doing whatever I need to do.”Β 

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“Hey that’s hard. We got a whole bunch of people! Will is just Will. Then you got Q, he’s a bucket. Ainias is learning. Johnny is learning his way. Dylan is looking good. That’s a hard one. Coop is just getting back out there with us and he’s falling into his motion and getting into his rhythm. I can’t give a concrete answer.”Β 

What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

“The willingness to learn. That’s what our group is. They are not cocky, overconfident. So we really came in to learn. We’re asking all the questions from the vets. We’re soaking it all in and trying to get better. I think that’s what our superpower is.”

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“I think there are a lot of things that go into it. I always put the team first. I’d love to go out there and get a victory on Sunday. Just taking advantage of all the opportunities that are sent my way, whatever that entails. There are a million different ways the statistics could play out base don playing time and opportunities. At the end of the day, I’m just taking advantage of the ones in front of me.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“We got so many great ones around here. I probably have to go Trot, that’s my boy from Clemson. Everybody works hard, it’s a great class. I can name just about anyone.”Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“As long as the team is doing well. That’s what I’m worried about. How can I help in my own way? Whatever that is, special teams, defense. I want to perform my role to the best of my ability and help the team out that way.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“I think there’s a few guys that could, you know, shine this year. I think a lot of guys are ready and prepared. That says a lot of the older guys and veterans we have around here. They prepared us to go out and be ready to make plays. I don’t think there’s any one dude. I think there’s multiple guys that can go out there and be really successful this season.”Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“Shit. I got a lot of goals and aspirations, but the biggest thing for me is earning the team’s trust. Shit, just proving to myself I’m supposed to be here. Gaining that confidence, learning the ins and outs of the playbook, gelling with my teammates.”

“I am a rookie, so I’m learning everything I can. Every single day, I’m learning something new. I have that one track mindset, but I have to be patient. The competitive nature in me, I wanna play. I wanna help this team. Anything I’m willing to do to help this team win, I’m gonna do to the best of my ability.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“Shoot I think we all are. We got a bunch of guys here that all love football. I feel like that’s why they drafted us. We all are on the same track. We were all stars at our old teams and did a lot of cool stuff in college. It was kind of a humbling experience, but we’re all hungry to get better and find a role on this team.”

What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

“There are guys who love football. Love the process. They want to get better every day and learn something new. I feel like once you get comfortable and go through the motions, instead of overthinking things, having the mindset to get better each and every day. I feel all of us are like that.”Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“I just want a Super Bowl. I don’t wanna wait at all. Seeing this team being so close to winning it all two years ago. I mean, we have a great team. I just wanna win a Super Bowl.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“I’ll say myself. I like to better myself. I got my own personal goals and goals I wanna do for the team. I like to bet on myself.”Β 

What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

“Oh my gosh. We just have so much talent all around. We got dudes that came from big school. So many dudes that came from smaller schools and all have a crazy work ethic. We had a really strong class this year.”

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“Doing as best I can for the team. Whatever they need me to do. Just gotta keep doing my job.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“I don’t know. I think this is a good class. I like to see everyone play.”

What makes this rookie class so special?Β 

“Everyone has a good mindset. Everyone works really hard. We look forward to getting better. It helps being in a rookie class like the Eagles, where everyone likes to help each other out and help us out.”Β 

What constitutes a good rookie season for you?

“Man, being able to contribute to the team in any way possible. I don’t get no goals. Whenever my number’s called, I want to make sure I’m available.”

Which of your teammates, and you can say yourself, will have the best rookie season?

“I think Will. I trained with him during the combine and I’ve seen his work ethic. He’s a Clemson guy. Just seeing how he worked, him being able to make an impact on the roster already, it shows a lot. This guy’s a worker and a ballplayer.”Β 

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Author: Jeff Kerr
September 3, 2024 | 10:10 am

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