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Dunkest Matchdays: What are the Game Turns

A Dunkest Matchday is made up of Game Turns, a feature that dis

Dunkest Matchdays: What are the Game Turns

A Dunkest Matchday is made up of Game Turns, a feature that distinguishes Dunkest fantasy basketball from traditional ones.

Understanding how it works will guarantee you an edge over all other fantasy coaches. Here are the topics we will cover:

  1. Dunkest Matchday
  2. Peculiarity of Dunkest Schedule
  3. Why turns are important
  4. Tips to manage turns
  5. How to manage the end of Matchdays

Dunkest Matchday

The schedule is divided into Matchdays, each of which is divided into Game Turns, identified with the caption T1 (Turn 1), T2 (Turn 2), etc.

The Game Turn is the block of games that are played on a given day. In fact, within your fantasy team you will notice that each player is assigned a T1, T2 or T3 caption depending on the day his team plays.

Example.Β T1 groups all matches played on Friday, T2 all matches played on Saturday, T3 all matches played on Sunday.

Game Turns work like this:

  • They start 1 minute before the first match of the day
  • They finish within one hour of the end of the last match of the Turn

Special features of the NBA schedule

For Italy Legabasket Serie A and Euroleague the functioning of the Matchdays is very simple to understand as the Dunkest Matchdays actually follow the real Gameweeks of the championship.

For the NBA, on the other hand, it is different: the NBA schedule in fact is not divided into Matchdays and, moreover, it is played every day.

To address this difficulty, games have been grouped into Dunkest Matchdays, which can last a variable number of days and include at least one game for each NBA team. If a team re-enters the schedule several times, players get points only for the first game played.

Why are Turns important?

Between two Turns it is possible to make changes to the team and in particular:

  1. Field-bench substitutions
  2. Change of formation
  3. Change of captain


  • Substitutions are NOT automatic: you will need to access your fantasy team at the end of each Turn to complete them.
  • It is possible to make a substitution and change captain, only if the team of the chosen player has NOT played its game yet.
  • Bench: if you bench a player, you will lose 50% of his score. Only the 5 players on the field, the Sixth Man and the Head Coach contribute 100% to the score of your team.
  • Captain: if you change the Captain, the β€œdoubling” bonus will be awarded ONLY to the new Captain. The previous captain will get his regular score

Tricks to manage the team between Turns


Before each Matchday, always place on the field ALL the players who play in Turn 1 (T1)

Why?Β When the Turn 1 is finished, if they did well you can keep them on the field while if they scored low you can replace them with the players on the bench who still have to play in the following turns (this is an example based on T1, but the same goes for T2).

On the contrary, if you leave on the bench a player who plays in T1, when the turn ends you will not be able to move him to the field anymore as it will appear that he β€œhas already played”.

Example. It is the first Matchday of NBA. It is played over 3 Turns (T1, T2, T3). On Saturday (T1) Lakers-Warriors is played. I choose to line up Lebron in the starting five. For the choice of another forward, I will choose one player who plays in T2 or T3, thus guaranteeing me the possibility of replacing Lebron, in case he does not get a good score. While if Lebron scored well, I will keep him on the field until the end of the Matchday.

And when the Matchday ends?

When the last Turn of the Matchday ends, the rankings are calculated and the final scores of all fantasy teams are made available.

At this point the Trades open, meaning the possibility to sell players of your fantasy team and buy new ones to improve it. We have dedicated a specific article to this topic: Trades: how to sell and buy players on Dunkest

Is everything clear?

Do you have any other doubts? Write us on ourΒ Contact PageΒ and we will be happy to add them to this guide!

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Author: Team Dunkest
October 7, 2023 | 12:01 pm

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